What is a FireTeam?

A Kingdom FireTeam is a small group of men committed to fully living out the Biblical mandate of obedience to Christ in the company of brothers with like mind and heart.  

In Proverbs 27:17 it states that “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”.  However, to do so we must be in community with other men who are pursuing the same things and who are committed to the act of denying self and taking up their cross and following after Jesus as found in Matthew 16:24.  

In military terms a FireTeam is “the smallest element of infantry design and incredibly effective when properly trained and led. A typical fire team consists of three to six men who become a well balanced combat unit ready to be deployed into battle.”

As a man of God, in regards to a FireTeam, it means living a life that will be shown to have a high eternal value after being tested by fire as taught in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. The fire that will test our life is God as He is the consuming fire that reveals all truth concerning our life.

What stands between man and eternity with God is an adversary that seeks to imprison a man’s soul.  This adversary is not physical but rather spiritual as taught in Ephesians 6:12-13.  Here we read about our plight as Christ followers to take up our armor in order to withstand the attacks of the enemy and to stand firm for our God.


Therefore, a Kingdom FireTeam is not a Bible study!  It is understood that each man is already in daily spiritual training.  Just as there is daily PT (physical training) for those in the military there is ST (spiritual training) for the Christian man as mandated in 1 Timothy 4:7-9. For this reason a Kingdom FireTeam is a Bible “BE” where each man is SHARPENED and FORGED in the company of like minded brothers through questioning, self reflection and confession.


The Kingdom FireTeam is about embracing personal accountability to living out the Biblical mandate as a son of God, man of God, husband and father, thus,  in all areas of a man’s life.  Perfection is not the goal but rather consecration through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ whose amazing grace saves the souls of men.

Consider this thought, Jesus had a “FireTeam” made up of Peter, James and John (Matthew 17:1; Matthew 26:36-39; Luke 8:50-55).  They were his closest friends who went on to impact the world as commissioned  in Matthew 28:19.  We too can have great impact and fulfill the Great Commission but we must first be impacted ourselves through “being” a Christian and not just studying Christianity.  This is what a Kingdom FireTeam is all about.